Floodlight Booking

Floodlight Booking

Members of Solihull Tennis Club can book floodlit courts at any time (subject to availability):


  • The cost of using Floodlights is £4 per hour (£2 per token, each token lasts half an hour).
  • To get  floodlight tokens:
  • Pre-pay by bank transfer/cash and liaise with Fiona Speak to get the tokens you have paid for.
  • From 1 April 2025 there will be changes to this process but details still being discussed

How to use the floodlights:

Place your token into the appropriate court meter slot (marked ‘Court 1, Court 2 and Court 3')

• Each token lasts 30 minutes.

• The number of minutes will be displayed on the digital display, and will start to count down to zero.

• Five minutes before the end of the period, the warning beacon on the floodlighting column will start flashing.

• If you require a further period of lights, please insert another token before the lights go out.

• Multiple tokens can be inserted at once, and the number of minutes will count up as you insert each token.



1. If you fail to insert a token during the period when the warning beacon is on and the floodlights go out, they will not turn on again until fully cooled down, which can take 10 minutes.

2. The curfew time is 10.00pm each evening, inserting any tokens after 9.30pm will only provide lights up until 10.00pm, i.e. if a token is inserted at 9.45pm, you will ONLY receive 15 minutes of lights.

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